Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Sabrina's right. I'm insanely, unbelievably crazed right now! :0)

I've got VALLEY OF SHADOWS to mail out and then copyedits on LITTLE GIRL LOST to finish by Monday. Fun, fun, fun! Actually, it is. However, since we've already established that I'm not supermom, superwoman, or any other variation of super, it's inevitable that staying up until three or four in the morning five or six nights in a row has caught up with me.

Which is fine, because after Monday of next week, I've got some breathing room.

Today, I'm posting an encouragement I wrote in the Steeple Hill encouragement thread. There are certain times in every writer's life when she needs to know that it isn't her. It's God. That it isn't what she can do. It's what He will do. Perhaps this is one of those times for you. It certainly is for me. So...for you and for me:

Do you ever feel that you just can't do it? Not one more load of laundry. Not one more meal. Not one more late night. Not one more day at work, moment of intervening, second of being whatever it is you are.

I do.

In the wee hours of the morning, I stared out the window into our dark front yard, and thought, "Nope. I can't do this. It's too hard. I'm too tired. Here it is, 2 a.m. The rest of the house is sound asleep and I'm working. I just don't have it in me."

It occurred to me later, as I was doing my morning devotional, that I don't have to have it in me. He's in me. And that's enough. Strangely (or not) enough, this was my Bible reading for the day -

You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. With your help I can advance against a troop, with my God I can scale a wall. As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the rock except our God. It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. Pslam 18:30-32

That is the true beauty of life - we don't need to keep the lamplight of our energy burning, we don't have to scale the walls of frustration and trouble alone, and we don't have be the shields that protect the fortress of our weary souls. He is able and willing to do those things for us.

So, whatever it is you struggle with today and in the week to come, I pray His grace will light your way, His strength will give you courage, and His love will surround you. May you know the peace of His presence in you life.


Sabrina L. Fox said...

Doesn't every woman feel like she's going to drop the ball on something at some time? I know lately I feel pulled in a million directions. VBS week. Need I say more. ;)

You should see my laundry room. Not to mention my own set of luggage I'm sporting under my eyes. LOL.

Hope you get caught up soon, Shirlee. And remember, we're still waiting on Showergate! Have a blessed week.

Lynette Eason said...

Oh wow, thanks, Shirlee. I sure can relate. Some days I cry out to God going, "HELP!"

And He hears me.

My husband is gone for weeks at a time sometimes and I have to be careful not to get so overwhelmed that I blame HIM. For being gone, for getting to hang out and enjoy life while I'm "stuck" at home trying to meet the demands of two small children.

But, then I think. Okay. Where would I rather be?

My answer? Nowhere. Sure, I need a break now and then, and yes, I need a girls night out scrapbooking and laughing and just having fun. But, honestly, I am right where I want to be.

A stay at home mom who loves her kids and desires to grow them up to love their God.

So, when I tell God I can't do it anymore, He reminds me that I can. And He uses many creative, different ways to get His point across.

Like your devotional today, Shirlee...

Thanks so much!


Shirlee McCoy said...

Showergate is coming ;0).

I've got luggage under my eyes, too. We're a matching set. I did mail out VALLEY OF SHADOWS. I love that book! Must be something about Thailand, because I loved EVEN IN THE DARKNESS, too.

Now, just edits on LITTLE GIRL LOST!

How's the writing going, gals?

Sabrina L. Fox said...

The writing's going. LOL. I'm trying to come up with something that works for our family. A time when it's okay to be writing and nobody feels neglected. I'm a night owl, so getting up early is not the best option.

I didn't volunteer for VBS this year (we're at a new church since we moved) so all week I had about an hour and a half to work and not feel like I was taking away from family time. It's been a great feeling.

Anonymous said...

Writing time...
Sabrina, I'm struggling with the same thing you are. Trying to find a time that I don't feel like I am neglecting someone by zoning off into my own little world is difficult. I love being a stay at home mom, but I do find myself wondering just how many days left until my youngest starts preschool. :)
And then, when you plan out the time...I already did my VBS, was planning to kick up the writing this week, and Sunday night got called from my SIL's church. They had dropouts and were desperate for some extra help, so another week of VBS. (I am so VBS'd out!)
But like you shared, Shirlee (and I'm so glad you did) I just keep reminding myself that I can only do what God wants me to do. Anything else is frustration and failure.

Shirlee McCoy said...

I don't know if there will ever be a time when it's okay to write and nobody feels neglected. I've tried to set things up so that my kids buy into the idea that my writing is a family project. Just as their piano, gymnastics, and other activities take time away from my writing, sometimes my writing is going to take time away from the activities we plan (like going to the park or swimming). That doesn't mean we won't do those activities. It just means we may have to wait an hour or two while I finish something.

Family is a team sport. We all have dreams and goals. It's good for our kids to realize that even moms have things they want (besides clean bedrooms :0)).

Anonymous said...

Family is a team sport.

I couldn't have said it better myself. My girls are excited about my writing and what I'm doing and I feel very blessed. Just as I cheer them on at horseback riding and archery, they cheer me on whenever I reach a new goal :o)

Heather Diane Tipton said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Shirlee! I needed this tonight. On the eve of starting my second book and I was just sitting here thinking I don't have it in me to write this book. And then I read where you say He is in me and that is enough. LOVE THAT. Thanks!